
The “Spring Conference” stands as the annual gathering for all data protection authorities across European states, both within and outside the EEA. Each year, a diverse member of the Conference takes the lead in hosting this pivotal event.

The mission of the Spring Conference encompasses:

  • Addressing Common Interests: Tackling issues of mutual concern, emerging trends, and innovative developments in the realm of privacy and data protection. This pertains to the European context, with a global outlook to consider relevant developments worldwide, thereby informing European progress.
  • Reflecting Pan-European Membership: Echoing the pan-European composition of its membership, the Conference aims to fortify relationships among regulators across Europe, enhancing their capacity to deliberate on communiques or resolutions.
  • Promoting Cooperation: Building collaboration between diverse systems in Europe and the professionals operating within these systems. This pursuit aims to establish an unparalleled regional data privacy ecosystem.
  • Emphasis on Practical Exchange: Concentrating on the practical exchange and discussion of best practices in the development and implementation of policies and privacy-related legislation. Additionally, a focus on stakeholder engagement activities aims to empower Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) in effectively fulfilling their mandate.