
European Spring Conference -ICO-Ofcom jointly hosted side event on age assurance

February 29, 2024

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in central Riga, the ICO and Ofcom will host a side event during the "Spring Conference 2024" to discuss the relationship between the UK's data protection and online-safety regulations and showcase their ongoing collaboration.


Session description

Hosts: UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and Ofcom, the UK data protection, and communications regulators.

The ICO-Ofcom jointly hosted side event at the 2024 Spring Conference will allow both regulators to clarify the interplay between the UK’s data protection and online-safety regimes and highlight ongoing ICO-Ofcom collaboration.

Following the ICO-Ofcom roundtable discussions at the ACCS Global Age Assurance Standards Summit in April, the event will also be used to discuss the outcomes from these roundtables and to highlight the work of the ICO-chaired International Age Assurance Working group.

We will also hear from our Latvian hosts on their own interest and work around children’s privacy and online safety. 

Key Takeaways for attendees:

1.   This session will include a discussion of the importance of an international, collaborative approach to regulating the use of age assurance, balancing user’s rights including privacy and online safety.

2.   Attendees will also learn about:

i)            Recent and future ICO outputs, for example the updated Commissioner's opinion on age assurance, and ICO collaboration with our international counterparts via the International Age Assurance Working Group.

ii)          Recent Ofcom outputs, for example guidance on Part V of the UK Online Safety Act (OSA), and how the OSA will be implemented in the UK.

iii)         The Outcomes from recent ICO-Ofcom engagement, including at the ACCS Global Summit.  

3.   This event will provide an opportunity for the audience to engage with speakers.

More information here-