
Pjerina Mema

General Director for Personal Data Protection at Albanian Information and Data Protection Commissioner

LL.M Pjerina Mema (Gaxha) holds the position of General Director for Personal Data Protection from 2021 at Albanian Information and Data Protection Commissioner. She has a long experience at the Commissioner’s Office, where she has been working since 2011. Former Director of Directorate for Personal Data Protection in the years 2015-2021. Previously, she was part of the Directorate of Administrative Investigation and the Directorate of Legal Procedures and International Relations. She graduated as a lawyer and holds a master’s degree at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana. Holds also a master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA), from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tirana. She is an attorney at law licensed from the National Bar Association in 2007. 

Previous working experience as part of the legal sector in public institutions and the private sector, such as Property Restitution and Compensation Agency, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, etc.

Has a working experience at the Ministry of Justice, Madrid, Spain at the Department of International Relations. Also, has long experience in the field of human rights with her professional engagement at the Center for Integrated Legal Services and Practices, as a lawyer and as/advocate in two UNHCR and Terre des Hommes projects. Holds the certificate as TOT on human rights from the Albanian School of Public Administration (ASPA) and OSCE. She is an adjunct lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Tirana University.